Time to reset and rediscover yourself


Exclusive 1-1 Coaching Retreat in a secluded cabin

  • Location

    Cabiner, Netherlands - Stay in serene off-grid cabins within beautiful natural reserves such as Drentsche Aa, Sallandse Heuvelrug, and Dwingelderveld.

  • Accommodation

    Cozy, secluded and sustainable cabins offering a perfect escape from daily life.

    For this 1-1 retreat we will share this cabiner. Therefor it’s women only.

  • Exclusive Coaching

    Individual coaching sessions with Esmee Jiskoot focusing on personal growth.

    We will be together 24/7, partly with a program based on your desires, partly free time. Since we’re together on this journey there is no way to escape. Which creates the perfect soil for transformation.

  • Yoga

    We will start the day with the movements of the Dance of Shiva & Shakti, also known as the 5 element form. Connecting to nature and recognising nature in ourselves.

  • Nature Walks

    Walks to reconnect with the environment and yourself. Using the power of nature to touch us deeply.

  • Food

    Healthy vegan meals which we will cook together.

  • Embodiment practices

    Depending on your needs we will practice meditation, breath work and empowering visualisations to support you in your desire.

  • Cacao Ceremony

    We will use this medecine in a 1-1 cacao ceremony.

  • Rituals

    We will work with rituals based on your needs. Using the elements to support you. Think about a powerful fire ritual, to let go of all that is not serving you.


  • 3 Days

    Investment: 2750,- euro

    Including 1 online Caching session before and 1 session after the retreat.

  • 4 Days

    Investment 3500,- euro

    Including 1 online coaching session before and 1 session after the retreat.

  • 5 Days

    Investment 4200,- euro

    Including 1 online coaching session before and 1 session after the retreat.