I’m so happy to meet you on your journey. Let me introduce myself.

A lot of people would describe me as the girl with the endless smile. My dear friends know that there is a lot more behind this smile. It all started 31 years ago, when my parents created me in Thailand. Yes, funny enough in the land smiles. I ended up smiling a lot in my life, partly from my truth, but a lot of times to smile the difficulties and the pain of life away. Do you recognise this?

It took a burn-out, and a lot of self development to learn to smile with acceptance to the darkness we all carry with us as well. Finding tools to deal with the difficult situations in life. I ended up creating a beautiful toolbox, filled with ancient yoga practices, neo tantra, coaching skills, Buddhist meditations and a lot of life lessons. It’s a life long learning process, but I can tell you that I’m falling more and more in love with myself every day. Accepting all the imperfections in me, haha at least most of the time. I give my best to live my life from my heart, in deep trust that whatever encounters my path, I can handle. And I believe that this is possible for everybody! Are you ready? I’m looking forward to meet and work with you.

Love, Esmee

Why working with me?


  • VITA Coaching, sex love & relationship coach

  • Yoga teacher, graduated in the following styles; Yin, Tantra, Anahtaha, Hatha and Vinyassa yoga. I learned from amazing teachers like Peter Clifford, Bernie Clarck and Ourania Bouzouki.

  • Propedeuse in Psychology at the University of Amsterdam (UvA).


  • Since 2014 a successful entrepreneur.

  • Deep love for meditation. Besides a daily practice I create time for weekend retreats and even one 3 months retreat.

  • Explored many tantra and self development trainings like Ista and the new tantra.